Interior design van for Rodenstock Perfect Vision Tour Europe


Glasses are like a tailor-made suit: They fit perfectly, if they are customized. To ensure this perfect adaption, our client Rodenstock generates innovative technologies to survey the eyes' visual potential and the perfect fit of glasses.


Our services

  • Creative consulting and management
  • Conceptual design
  • Planning and project management
  • Realization (GC)

In celebration of 140 years Rodenstock, our client provides this technology to interested opticians. An exclusive promotion-van is touring through Europe as part of the Perfect Vision Tour. We created the van's interiors. An ideal placement of the Rodenstock surveying instruments: DNEye®Scanner 2+ and ImpressionIST® 4, and an overall design concept were made by our designers.

Like the Rodenstock Competence Stores – a concept for optician shops – the design relates to the company's corporate identity. The development was shortly implemented in early 2017, with original store material.


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