About us


Management | Communication
Review published by avediton


Consulting | Development
Review published by avediton


We are

As a team we make brands emotionally tangible in space. Professionalism and passion drive us. With experience and passion we develop a lively design language. We transform our creativity and its visions into convincing statements in spatial design. We combine quality, functionality and valuable materials to create innovative experience spaces.

We are convinced that brands have a particularly emotional impact in three-dimensional space. In close, personal contact with our customers, we develop concepts and spaces for ideal brand communication. We are creative and ambitious, never losing sight of the practical implementation. As a competent partner we accompany our clients and design the entire process up to the realization of the project, personally and uncomplicated, visionary and pragmatic at the same time. Get a first impression: from the shop window to the exhibition stand, from the store fitting to the (own) brand architecture.


We do it !

We are progressive in mind and love to create, implement and surprise. A joint creative process is especially important to us. In close cooperation with you, we develop a vision and transform it into a feasible concept. This is how your brand architecture is created in a clear design language. We realize your project on site and transfer it into a tangible space.


We take your brand strategy into the third dimension. We create communication spaces for your products. We develop extraordinary productions and connect brands with emotions. We create special brand experiences, in showrooms, flagship or pop-up stores and at trade fairs.


We are down-to-earth and cosmopolitan, have a feeling for current trends and love quality craftsmanship and high-quality materials. Our customers are regional family-owned and traditional companies as well as companies known worldwide.


Why ❤️

For us, good design is created through the encounter and relationship with people. Living spaces and brands are not cold, strategic instruments; but live through an emerging feeling. In this super-rationalized world, we want to create spaces for you that amaze people again and do them good. We see ourselves as a studio, not as a 360degree agency - we can't do everything and we don't want to do everything; we build on good relationships with our partners, creatives, clients.



Unfortunately, the current crisis has not spared us and so we had to change a lot at short notice and completely restructure our agency.

Many of you may know the name Heckhaus - that is our history; we have successfully managed the company for more than 25 years - with all ups and downs - then Corona came in March 2020 and changed everything! We see change as an opportunity - we know that nothing stays the same ... we can only build on our memories and experiences and make the best of the situation; we take this credo with us and apply it to our work and actions, our work and your projects.