Cloud Lounge new booth for NFON /CeBit


The four letters of the cloud telephone system provider NFON were visible from a long way off at the CeBIT 2016 in Hanover. The huge letters not only attracted attention to the stand from a distance, they also served as seating for the visitors to the booth with a footprint of 105sqm.


Our services

  • Creative consulting and management
  • Conceptual design
  • Planning and project management
  • Realization (GC)

They were received in the Cloud Lounge, that was shaped by a minimalist architecture constructed of light coloured wood and whose aesthetics emphasised the focus on the essential. The use of natural materials such as solid wood and felt was in deliberate contrast to the technical products on display here.

Thanks to the well thought-through structure— developed by us—the relatively small stand nevertheless offered enough space for consultation niches, workplaces for customer talks, a lockable store as well as a small kitchen with bar.

The eye was drawn by blue post-it notes stuck to the vast letters of the logo and on which CI conform as well as entertaining messages were printed, for example "Long-term commitment is for marriages".



Booth for Martin Miller's Gin – Bar Convent Berlin


Interior design van for Rodenstock Perfect Vision Tour Europe