Bavaria innovative - convincing communication at the fair stand


In 2015, the Bavarian state government founded the Center for Digitization.Bavaria based in Garching near Munich - ZD.B for short. Its declared aim is to bundle and strengthen Bavaria's research competencies in the field of digitization as a topic for the future, and to promote direct exchange between industry, science and associations on all issues relating to digitization.


The ZD.B strengthens its presence at trade fairs and congresses and commissioned us with the design and production of a representative stand architecture to offer an attractive communication point at events. The architecture consists of two parts; a wall element, which is supported by media and can be adapted to the respective thematic focus, and a communication element, which provides the perfect setting for stimulating conversations and discussions. The appearance of the ZD.B was successfully realized for the first time at the event "Year often the Rooster" 2017, the festival for the future of digital business at the Backstage in Munich. The stand can be set up in variable sizes between approx. 4 and 10sqm and can thus be individually adapted to many set-up situations.



Sophisticated experience area for Reebok at GDS Dusseldorf


French industrial charm meets material love & fascination to details