Setdesign meets Retail – Where does Jaromin Hecker see overlap between the two areas?

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Spatial design and storytelling

As a set designer and prop maker, with a background in the film and television industry, Jaromin Hecker is a professional when it comes to spatial design and storytelling. At BRANDINSPACE, he takes care of both project planning and implementation, from the showroom to the trade fair stand, to the complete store interior.

What experience in set design can you draw on for retail design?

The great thing is that in both areas, successful staging is the be-all and end-all! The visitor or customer must be immersed in a complete world in which the brand image and a story about it are told. More than ever, the ever-increasing presence of online makes it important to create well-staged brand worlds that can be experienced spatially and authentically. Service and the multisensory appeal to all the senses are immensely important here."

How do such 360-degree experiences succeed?

"We work with all sensory means such as sound, specially attuned scents and haptically selected materials," reveals the fan of elaborate cinema set designs. Hecker does not have any concrete favorite projects, but he is extremely happy and proud every time one of his design ideas hits the right nerve.

Read the whole interview with Jaromin Hecker



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