Training ground or store fitting? Fitness as a lifestyle makes studios hip.

Athleisure is not just a trend ...

... Athleisure is philosophy and attitude to life at the same time. The Munich-based design and consulting agency BRANDINSPACE takes on the fashion movement and translates it into space for STYLE GUIDE. The exclusively designed vision demonstrates how a corresponding store staging could look like.

Geometrically clear shapes dominate the interior. The sporty and urban character is thus retained, while at the same time the target group is spatially picked up in the new trend. The mix of colors and their meaning is intended to symbolize the characteristics and needs of the target group - namely "see and be seen.”

Clear structures in the space allow a mix & match inside. At the same time, the shop window front reflects the playful combination of the Athleisure Store.

Read here the whole article at STYLE GUIDE



Setdesign meets Retail – Where does Jaromin Hecker see overlap between the two areas?


"Golfersworld Pro Shop" in RETAIL DESIGN INTERNATIONAL Vol.6